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    Visually appealing to the bottom line

    • VisiPak

    In the northern region of Europe sits a country surrounded by the North and Baltic Seas. Skirted by islands and situated on a small peninsula, measuring less than 0.5% of the total square miles of the United States, sits Denmark. Within a short distance from the country’s capital city of Copenhagen is a town named Holbaek; a town that has a global reach – surprisingly, all because of toys.

    Plus-Plus is a Danish toy manufacturer that develops innovative and creative toys, which cultivate imagination and ingenuity in children, boys and girls alike. The manufacturer’s product has become an incredible worldwide success. Now sold in over 30 countries, this toy has captured audiences of both the young and the young at heart.

    In the United States, the single-shape building bricks are primarily sold through independent retailers, including toy stores, gift boutiques, and museum shops. Plus-Plus USA, the American subsidiary of Plus-Plus Denmark, recognized that an extremely valuable quality of the toy was not being showcased to its fullest potential. The bright building blocks were largely trapped inside boxes and pouches, hiding the vibrant color pallet of the toy. This distributor decided to go in search of clear packaging that would highlight the brilliant color features of the product.

    After talking with several peers in the toy industry, Plus-Plus USA discovered that VisiPak offered exactly the kind of packaging they were looking for. Not only would a clear tube show off the entire contents, it offered potential variety in how the product could be displayed. With a simple clear hang plug, the tube is safely sealed. Then, in a retail environment, the finished product hangs from peg hook style wall/shelf designs, presenting a clear and colorful feature wall that is sure to draw attention.

    The VisiPak clear packaging tube solved another dilemma the toy manufacturer was facing: organization of the retail display. When packaged in bags and boxes, corrugated counter displays can quickly end up in complete disarray.  The unsightly results are inevitable with that type of packaging, but clear plastic tubes offer a tidier, more attractive approach. 

    With tube packaging, simple die-cut holes in a corrugated counter display keep it in order. Typically, people tend to put something back on a shelf where they found it and the tube packaging with coordinated counter display facilitates an orderly result of their action. In addition, it’s easy to count the open holes so the retailer can always see how many remain on display- translation: how many sold!

    "Our customer was able to secure more business in retail stores," said Ryan O'Keefe, Regional Account Manager at VisiPak, "not only due to the complete visibility of the brilliant colorful product inside the VisiPak clear tube, but also because the tube is versatile in the ways it can be presented in stores to pair with each store's arrangement."

    There are other benefits, too, not only for Plus-Plus, but also for their customers and the community, as well. Ryan Hamilton, Head of Product Development at Plus-Plus USA, states, "The ability to assemble products here in the United States provides jobs to the local economy, allows for greater flexibility in the number of color combinations being offered to customers, and creates tighter inventory control through just-in-time production of the needed toy-filled tubes."

    Perhaps the most significant feature of the clear tube package is the ability to see all the product inside. There is no denying the advantage of the visual, colorful presentation of clear tube packaging over a pouch/bag or a box. The tube also provides added value as a durable and reusable storage container. For the retailer, manufacturer, and distributor, more visibility translates into more sales and that is a Plus-Plus to the bottom line.

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 05 Oct 2016
    • Modified 14 Oct 2016
    • Hits 1378