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VOA Verrerie d'Albi
Glass bottle designer and manufacturer
'Quality people make Quality Glass', an essential approach
The quality of our service accompanies each and every one of your orders, deliveries after deliveries. Today, in addition to the quality of its products and the complementary nature of its offer, VOA places great emphasise on the quality of its service, which, in the final analysis, is the only thing that really counts for each delivery.
Direct, individual relations with the entire sales team, a short decision-making circuit and fast answers appropriate to your needs are all part of our everyday life.
VOA is very much on a human scale and has always sought and developed special contact with its customers and partners. Proximity is a key part of our system, and we have set up a tight web of depots covering all the winemaking areas and developed a distributor network that is also there to serve you.
Always attentive to its market, VOA is constantly adapting its marketing and manufacturing to your changing needs.
Key points
Site area: 23 hectares.
300 people
1 plant
Two continuous fire furnaces, 6 production lines.
Capacity: 180,000 tons.
5 basic colors: Green, Dead Leaf, Flint, Extra Flint, Cannelle and Black Extra
Main Markets: Wine, Aperitifs & Spirits, Soft Drinks
Exports: VOA exports around 23 % of its production to over 20 countries.
2010 Sales: 99 M€
Investment: € 4 million per year
- The first glassmaking company in Europe to obtain an integrated quadruple certification