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    World Packaging Organisation

    World Packaging Organisation

    Serving the global packaging community through packaging associations.

    The World Packaging Organisation is a non-profit, non-governmental, international federation of national packaging institutes and associations, regional packaging federations and other interested parties including corporations and trade associations.

    Founded September 6, 1968 in Tokyo by visionary leaders from the global packaging community, the purposes of the organisation include to:

    • Encourage the development of packaging technology, science, access and engineering;
    • Contribute to the development of international trade; and
    • Stimulate education and training in packaging.

    Primary activities of the organisation today are to promote education through meetings, special activities and publications, including this web site; to sponsor an international packaging design awards program; and to facilitate contact and exchange among the various national institutes of packaging.

    It continues to be true that a significant percentage of food never meets its purpose, that of nourishing the hungry.

    This is especially true in developing nations, but not exclusive to them.  Food wastage is common to all cultures.  Better packaging plays a huge role in reducing spoilage and retaining nutrition for those who need it most.

    WPO is committed to educating people about the value that packaging adds to Society, not only for food but for beverages, pharmaceuticals, and virtually every product used by consumers and industry alike.

    We know that Packaging is an indispensible tool for every society on the planet.

    Sunyi Packaging